How To Dress When You Want To Lose Weight

I had a lady get in contact with me today and I wanted to share it with you as its something I think so many of us can relate to.

Here’s what she said:

‘I’ve just discovered you via a podcast session you did with onegirlband on ‘how to dress for the you of tomorrow’.

I relate to a lot of what you said and feel I’m on a journey of change at the moment. One thing Ive really struggled with in terms of clothes though is that I know I want to lose weight but I also want to feel better about myself and my wardrobe now.

I put off buying clothes because I want to lose weight first but I’m losing weight so slowly I feel stuck.

Do you have any thoughts on this?

Or a blog post hiding somewhere that might help?’

So in answer to this, here is that blog post that will help with this chicken and egg situation of whether to start with the weight loss or the clothes buying:

Steps to styling success

  1. Life is short, you are beautiful and worthy as you are so celebrate you with a small touch of beauty everyday.

    It is important that we start seeing that change is possible in ourselves. Start a 30second style challenge. I know this is one I have talked about a lot but it really is so impactful. Doing something different is key. Anything from wearing lipstick, changing out your earrings, booking a manicure, doing a facemask, giving yourself a compliment. Go on give it a try.

  2. Start moving differently.

    Our bodies and mind get stuck in old unhelpful patterns. I found that it wasn’t until I moved in new ways & started to empower myself that I saw my my post-pregnancy weight shift.

  3. Don’t have clothes that don’t fit hanging in your wardrobe.

    Stop torturing yourself with what you can’t wear, we often feel comfortable in self-loathing and we can get very good at it, so don’t give yourself this liberty.

  4. Act as though you are already at the weight you want to be. 

    If you felt in good shape and positive about your body, what would you be eating, what colours would you be wearing, what care would you be taking over your appearance, how would you be speaking to yourself? Notice the difference.

  5. Go and buy 2 pieces of clothing that celebrate you, allow yourselves to shine.

    If you really don’t want to invest in clothes, Shoes and jewellery are a great place to start.

  6. Start giving compliments to others.

    Get out of your own head and share the joy. Notice others and what you love about what they wear and let them know. I remember feeling so ‘woe is me’ and sorry for myself, turning this around will help you see that you are ok and put a smile on your face which is by far the most impactful styling tip I can offer.

Our bodies are remarkable beings, they keep us a live and give us the ability to do so much.

There is no denying being at our ideal weight (whatever that is to you) makes life easier.

We can find more clothes to fit, move more freely and feel less self-critical about our reflection however the celebration of self starts today as we are worthy of it today not just when we are thin.

Keep working towards your best self but appreciate the journey of where you are at.

If you would like help with your style and confidence and finding your most stylish self then get in contact at or follow me on instagram.

You may also be interested in my 121 coaching services where we take you on a journey of inward and outward transformation.

If you’d like to learn more about reigniting your personal style, getting clarity on what works for YOU, exuding inner confidence and make getting dressed everyday effortless, then have a look at my services and let’s talk.


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